AB Combination - Сhoose the right food to eat
The AB program The combination is based on a separate diet according to the Ar Eddar table. For example: what would happen if you ate fish and pie together? As a result, you will get that these products are incompatible with digestion, resulting in poor health. The program contains a list of 25 main products and shows the combination of each with the next product. The program is compact and easy to use, for Apple Watch.
Be healthy!!!
The program has been translated into English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Korean, French, Italian, Ukrainian, Czech, Finnish, Greek, Danish, Dutch, Thai, Greek, Croatian, Hungarian, Hindi, Norwegian, Catalan, Indonesian, Malay, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese.
AB Compatibility - Choose right!

The program contains a description of vitamins and minerals, contains information about the daily dose and in which products you can find them.
If you consume several vitamins and minerals together, the program will help determine their combination with each other so that they can be absorbed by the body. This program is also on the clock.
Bless you!!!
AB Presure

The program shows blood pressure by age, lower value and upper value, as well as the norm for age.

Body mass index (BMI) is a value that allows you to assess the degree of correspondence between a person’s weight and his height, and thereby indirectly judge whether the mass is insufficient, normal or overweight. It is important in determining the indications for the need for treatment. Body mass index is calculated by the formula: I = m / h². where: m is body weight in kilograms, h is height in meters, and is measured in kg/m².
The program has been translated into English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Korean, French, Italian, Ukrainian, Czech, Finnish, Greek, Danish, Dutch, Thai, Greek, Croatian, Hungarian, Hindi, Norwegian, Catalan, Indonesian, Malay, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese.
Be healthy!!!
AB BMI Plus - correctly calculate!!!

AB Kislotnost - How to choose the right one!
My program will help maintain the acid-base balance of the body.
You ask how?
My program contains food and its pH value. If we eat foods that acidify the body, we can get cancer. On the contrary, if we eat alkaline food, we will be healthy. The secret is to eat food and keep it alkaline, because acidity can cause illness.
We will not describe how cancer cells are formed, but we believe that the main cause of cancer is the acidification of the human body. It's not just about cancer. A decrease in the pH in the body, that is, when the state of our cells and blood can be characterized as acidic rather than alkaline, causes a decrease in immunity and is the cause of most diseases.
Be healthy! ! !
The program is translated into 32 languages: English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, Turkish, Thai, Italian, Spanish and Traditional Chinese, German, Portuguese and Ukrainian, Danish, Dutch, Croatian, Catalan, Czech, Finnish, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Norwegian, Swedish, Polish, Romanian, Slovak.

AB Vitamin - How to choose the right one!
The AB Vitamin program contains all vitamins and all trace elements in their combination with each other.
To learn how to make up for beriberi, there are products for each vitamin and trace element. What can and cannot be used together, and what is important to use separately, is present in the program. What will happen with a deficiency or excess of a particular vitamin or microelement can also be found in the program.
It is difficult for me to keep this information in my head, and I decided to make a program that stores everything on the clock. The program is compact and convenient, translated into 33 languages.
Vitamins are substances that everyone needs; all processes in the body occur with your participation. They are part of more than 100 enzymes and play a crucial role in maintaining immunity and increasing our body's resistance to disease.
Most vitamins are not synthesized by the human body, so they must be regularly and in sufficient quantities supplied to the body with food or in the form of vitamin-mineral complexes and nutritional supplements. The exceptions are vitamin K, which is synthesized in the colon by bacteria, and vitamin B3, which is synthesized by intestinal bacteria from the amino acid tryptophan.
The program has been translated into English, Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese and Traditional Chinese, Russian, German, French, Korean, Italian, Catalan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hindi,
Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Malay, Indonesian,
Vietnamese, Norwegian.
Be healthy!!!

AB Glikemi - How to choose the right one!
The program lists foods and their glycemic index. The glycemic index (GI) is the rate at which the body metabolizes carbohydrates and raises blood sugar levels.
The most important thing to remember:
- High GI foods release energy quickly
- Low GI foods contain fiber and are slow to digest.
"Well, what does it give me and why do I need it?" - you ask.
And the fact that the results of regular consumption of high GI foods will be:
- Violation of metabolic processes in the body.
- Negative effect on overall blood sugar levels.
- Constant feeling of hunger and accumulation of body fat in problem areas.
The program has been translated into English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Korean, French, Italian, Ukrainian, Czech, Finnish, Greek, Danish, Dutch, Thai, Greek, Croatian, Hungarian, Hindi, Norwegian, Catalan, Indonesian, Malay, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese.

AB Spetsii - The choice of spice or herb!
The program contains all the spices and herbs and explains where they are used to maintain health. Now you can see everything on your watch and not keep it in your head.
Spices are food additives that are used to change the flavor or aroma of food. The composition of such additives may include essential oils, tannins and other substances that give spices certain properties: increase appetite, activate calorie burning, improve digestion, etc. They are made from almost all parts of spicy plants: rhizomes, leaves, seeds, etc. etc. flowers, fruits, bark. Some spices are added to dishes in dried form, while others are ground into a fine powder. Chefs often use seasoning blends to create their masterpieces.
Herbs are the life forms of higher plants. Among them there are poisonous varieties and those that can be eaten. Tea is brewed from individual herbs, infusions are made for internal and external use. Different types contain different useful substances (in the root or in the shoots), the extracts of which are also used in perfumery, cosmetics, household chemicals, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
The program has been translated into English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, Turkish, Thai, Italian, Spanish and Traditional Chinese, German, Portuguese and Ukrainian, Danish, Dutch, Croatian, Catalan, Czech, Finnish. , Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Norwegian, Swedish, Polish, Romanian, Slovak.
Take care of your health!!!

Workout timer AB
Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps.
Workout Timer AB will help you keep the set time during your workout and the exact time for rest between workouts. You can also set multiple repetitions of the exercises. A signal to start training has been assigned and a different signal to rest has been assigned. You can put the phone aside during training and find out the exact time by sound. A program without annoying ads. There is translation into 16 languages.

AB Supplement
On food packaging, we often find inscriptions that resemble encryption: E101, E202, E304, E407. Why is the composition of products encrypted with Exx codes. The letter Exx on products for the classification of food additives in the EU countries has developed a numbering system that has been operating since 1953. Each additive has a unique number starting with the letter Exx. The numbering system has been finalized and adopted for the international classification Codex Alimentarius. Many Exx food additives are prohibited for use, and some, which are not prohibited, can also cause significant harm to health. However, not all food additives marked Exx are dangerous for the body. They may be dangerous in large quantities, but small doses are used in production. For example, can the additive E101 be called harmful? This is the usual vitamin B2. Therefore, read the labels, see what these or other additives mean.
There are 1600 Exx codes in total, it’s impossible to remember them all and carry them in your head, I made a program for a watch, it’s convenient to look at the code on the packaging in the store when choosing products, you can decide whether to buy a product or not. Take care of your health!!!

AB Products
The AB Product program contains all vitamins and all trace elements.
To know how to make up for the lack of a vitamin, there are products for each vitamin and trace element. If you do a blood test and as a result find a lack of a vitamin or mineral, you can make up for it with food or pills. The program contains a list of products to replenish in a natural way with food. There are vitamins and minerals that should not be taken together. It is very difficult to keep all of them in my head and I decided to make a program that will store this information.
Vitamins translated from Latin - life. This is a group of organic substances of low molecular structure and diverse chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food. Most vitamins are not synthesized by the human body, so they must be regularly and in sufficient quantities supplied to the body with food or in the form of vitamin-mineral complexes and nutritional supplements. The exceptions are vitamin K, which is synthesized in the large intestine by bacteria, and vitamin B3, which is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan by intestinal bacteria.
Vitamins are substances necessary for every person, all processes take place in the body with their participation. They are part of more than 100 enzymes, play a crucial role in maintaining immunity and make our body more resistant to disease.
The watch program is compact and convenient. Be healthy!

AB Foods
The program contains vegetables, fruits and berries, that is, all foods that need to be consumed every day so as not to acidify the body (PH level in the body). Each product is described by the number of calories per 100 grams and contains all the vitamins and minerals.
Why is all this necessary, you ask? Or eat fresh food or dietary supplements, everyone chooses for himself. Fresh foods contain all the vitamins and minerals needed for health. If you want to know how much vitamin C or how much iron or calcium, my program will help you answer this question.
The program has been translated into English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Korean, French, Italian, Ukrainian, Czech, Finnish, Greek, Danish, Dutch, Thai, Greek, Croatian, Hungarian, Hindi, Norwegian, Catalan, Indonesian, Malay, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese.
Be healthy!!!

AB Amino
There are about 200 amino acids in nature. 20 of them are found in our food, 10 of them have been recognized as essential. Amino acids are essential for the proper functioning of our body. They are part of many protein products, are used as dietary supplements for sports nutrition, medicines are made from them, they are added to animal feed. Amino acids belong to the class of organic compounds used by the body in the synthesis of hormones, vitamins, pigments and purine bases. Proteins are made up of amino acids. Plants and most microorganisms are able to synthesize all the amino acids they need for life on their own, unlike animals and humans. A number of amino acids our body can only get from food.
The AB Amino program contains all the necessary amino acids and products that can make up for the lack of amino acids. It’s quite difficult to keep all the products in your head, so I made a program for the clock that will help you store this information. Take care of your health!!!

Good afternoon! My name is Alexander Berkovich. I develop applications for ios and watchos , I design applications myself. If you have any suggestions for the development of my applications or yours, please contact me by e-mail.